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FETCH Courses: What is FET? Types Fetch courses

fetch courses

What are FETCH Courses? was developed by SOLAS, the Further Education & Training Authority, in partnership with Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI) and other Further Education and Training providers.

What is FET?

Further Education and Training or FET, offers a wide variety of life-long education options to anyone over 16. FET includes apprenticeships, traineeships, Post Leaving Cert (PLC) courses, community, and adult education as well as core literacy and numeracy services.

FET courses and programmes are provided through the Education and Training Board network throughout the country as well as through other local providers including online through SOLAS’ eCollege. FET courses are provided at levels one to six on the  National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).

Who is FET for?

FET is for anyone over the age of 16 who wants to gain new skills or improve existing ones in order to find the proper career, continue their education, or attain personal goals. Certain eligibility criteria may apply depending on the course you pick; for further information, contact your course provider or the ETB.

There are a variety of training courses available to help you if you are unemployed or laid off, or if you want to refresh your skills or change careers.

If you are unemployed, laid off, or no longer in full-time education, you may be qualified to participate in a FET training course. If you get a disability-related social welfare payment or a One-Parent Family Payment, you may be eligible.

Are fetch courses free in Ireland?

FET Training Allowance: You may be given a training allowance for the duration of your course if you enroll in a full-time course offered by ETB Training Centers. Evening courses are not included in this, so it’s paid.

How much do fetch courses cost?

The ETB Training Centres offer free training (save for evening courses), and you may be given a training allowance for the duration of your course. If you need to live away from home for the duration of the course, you can additionally claim an accommodation allowance or a travel allowance.

Types of FETCH training courses

There are training courses available under 2 different types of training.

The Traineeship Program offers both training and practical experience. The Traineeship Program may be right for you if you’re unemployed and want to receive training, experience, and a formal qualification in a specific field of work. Full-time traineeships are available. The length of the programme is determined by the area in which you want to train. After completing your initial training, you will alternate between the centre and the employer’s workplace, honing your abilities and earning practical experience. When you finish your course, you will obtain a Certificate or Advanced Certificate from Qualification and Quality Ireland (QQI).

Specific Skills Training Specific abilities People who have lost their jobs or are changing jobs can learn new job-related skills through training. There are day classes that are short and long, online courses, blended learning courses, and evening courses. The courses available vary from location to location and year to year, with varying degrees of certification. The classes are offered both during the day and at night. Unemployed persons are given priority on daytime classes. Unemployed people, regardless of whether or not they get a social welfare benefit, are eligible for a free day course. Unless you receive a social welfare benefit, an evening course is not free.

How to apply for FET/FETCH courses online

To apply for a spot on a FET training course, go to your local employment services office or Intreo center and fill out an application. You will be questioned in order to determine which course is best suited to your needs. Due to the high demand for particular courses, you may not be able to acquire a spot on the course of your choice right away. Contact your ETB Training Centre for additional information about various training courses.

On, you may learn more about further education and training programs.

Find your course: Fetch courses ireland


What is the training scheme for unemployed people in Ireland?

Training Support Grant (TSG): Jobseekers and recipients of specific other social welfare payments are eligible for Training Support Grants (TSG), which are grants. It offers rapid access to short-term training that is not offered by a State provider or that would hasten the process of finding employment.

How much do the unemployed get in Ireland?

Rate of Jobseeker’s Benefit statistics

Average weekly earningsMaximum personal rateIncrease for an adult dependant
Less than €150€98.70€94.50
€150 – €219.99€141.90
€220 – €299.99€172.30
€300 or more€220€146

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